Interested to own a GoFit or FIRE Fit?
We are looking for fitness entrepreneurs and investors around the world to own a GoFit or FIRE Fit license.
A game-changer in the high value, low price (HVLP) category unlike any other. We use intelligent builds to keep operational costs low and excitement high. It’s no-frills, fuss-free without skimping on the quality.
Your dollar goes further when you invest in GoFit. Innovative solutions make up our core: for our members and for our partners. It’s the smart choice for smart investors.
Keen to own a GoFit or know of someone who might be interested to invest?
FIRE Fit brings the premium boutique gym experience to the next level. It’s high-quality, with highly qualified trainers that makes a highly attractive investment.
FIRE offers the widest collection of premium studio concepts under one brand. With multiple studio types, our studios can be build in as compact as 75m². Designed with efficiency and fast ROI in mind, it’s a premium boutique offering like no other.
Keen to own a FIRE Fit or know of someone who might be interested to invest?